Headbands of Hope

In May of 2011, my dear friend, Sara Swenson, lost her fight with cancer. Watching her battle the terrible disease, I gained a whole new level of empathy for cancer patients. While I rejoice that she is in heaven with her Savior, my heart goes out to others who are fighting the same fight. In January of 2012, The Lord gave me this incredible ministry opportunity of creating headbands for cancer patients. Andrea Potloff, another close friend mine and Sara's, has joined me in this effort and we plan to send a box of headbands to a hospital every month. We feel so blessed to be able to offer a glimmer of hope to those who so desperately need it. By purchasing a headband, you cover the cost for a cancer patient's headband as well. If you are interested in purchasing one, send me an email with your order at amythompson2324@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making the Most of Our Time

Today would be Sara's 24th birthday.
So many emotions surface on days like today.
Not to mention, another young man who attended Corban was killed in a tragic accident yesterday.

During the past school year, five deaths hit our very small community. 
A student, a sister, a mom, a dad and an alumni who was killed in the line of duty.
 As soon as we would get over the emotional hump of one death, another would hit. 

It's easy to wonder why.
It's easy to question God's goodness.
Can all of this really be considered "good?" 
It certainly feels far from good in the moment.

Yet, the Lord remains faithful.
He remains sovereign.
He remains good.
So good.

We are not guaranteed another day.
For better or worse, this has been a constant reminder lately.
But one that I can benefit from.

We are not called to wait and serve the Lord once we reach our ideal situation in life.
We are called to serve now.
We are called to serve in the roles He has placed before us TODAY. 

This has been a humbling thought lately, but one I know the Lord has used to challenge me. 
The Lord's hand hasn't been clearly evident in all areas of my life lately. Yet, I know He is working in ways I cannot see. This ministry has challenged me to believe this. I know His faithfulness has no limits.  I've been brought to tears countless times as people have donated and jumped on board to support it's purpose. God's faithfulness has blown me away. 

July's box was sent to Michigan to an organization called Kids Kicking Cancer. 
I pray lives will be brightened by the same hope Sara lived her life with. 

Most of all, I pray I will be faithful to put my time and effort into what the Lord has for me today.